Monday, February 22, 2010

The Only Billboard in Norway

This was the only roadside billboard posted in Norway, at least that I saw. It indicates that if one is sleepy, one should simply stop and sleep (preferably on the arm of a domestic partner?). The maximum speedlimit in Norway is 100km/h, which seems slow, but the geography of the place actually limits the speed in most places more than the law does.

On the way back from Wisconsin, I definitely was having trouble staying awake so I stopped, my bike and I switched places and I slept in the back of my car, using my laundry as a pillow/bed/blankets. Crosby said I described a nest (word economy). And now I'm going to take a nap because writing this at the wrong side of 630AM. rollers tonight.

1 comment:

ScootsOnMoots said...

He's baaaaccccckkkkk