Friday, May 19, 2006

Trialling of Sorts

Woke up at ten til six this morning to begin studying for yet another time trial of a sort, my Norwegian exam. Have to say it is a decent language, and I am considering concentrating in it. After posting I will still need to study my strong verbs. Joy of joys.

After Wednesday's rest day due to the OPUS crit on tuesday in which I pulled down third in the final spring and in points for my first cash prize, $5, I was going to take it easy in prep for the ITT this coming weekend. Thanks to an initially unintentional leadout by Finn I took the first prime and and third in the final. According to the winning man, we were averaging at least 24mph for 28 minutes, and that is fast. Yesterday a guy named David came out with Finn, Baur and me. He wasn't too bad and has enough heft that he'd make a very very decent midwest sprinter. We still killed it though and dropped him (unintentionally) no less that 4 times. One day we will get easy days right... After my final, I think it'll just be lunch and I just might go out for a few hours, to Sogn, to pick up my waterbottle thrown during the conference RR.

Hey, it was a good bottle.

1 comment:

Jake Boyce said...

dude the avg. for the training races ive done has been 28mph for an hour...