Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Back to this for a few days:

Like most cycling blogs, I suppose this one should include some comments about the weather as of late. It's been fine really. After the epic ride on monday, I ended up doing 5 hours yesterday and then today was a 2 hour ride mostly at recovery pace with two 15 minute tempo intervals out on the Paradise Lost loop. The wind was terrible. Just terrible, 17-22 mph gusting to 28. Once I got onto Woodley St. the tailwind was incredible, I was pushing a 53-14 on the rollers and flats into town at 138 bpm. The flurries hit around that point and it was kind of nice just coasting in listening to the new Arcade fire album, which is just as great and sublime as riding outside in somewhat adverse conditions.

On the homefront, my mom's been getting my suppliles for my trip ready, including a requisite trip to the Bike Dr. for vanilla Gu and Clif bars. Andrea responded to my questions about turning pro and it was pretty encouraging. From what I can gather, it's about exposure, friendliness, and results. This season should be about all three.

I love riding outdoors, again, even in the slush it just isn't that bad.

However, we just got dumped on tonight with more snowfall so I guess it will be back to riding the trainer for 3 hours a day until it gets nice out again. even though it is a training camp, I might just taper wednesday through friday in anticipation... Once indoors, I will no longer rocking the world champion's stripes which I wore everyday I've been outside, they really do make you faster: thank you ebay.


Unknown said...

Why do you wear your helmet indoors?

Brandon Krawczyk said...

"feel" is probably the best one word answer, as it's usually just me, the mirror and music, it helps to me to well it may be lame but visualize what I'm doing, what I'm training for and what I'll be doing on the group rides or in the races

by the way, who are you?