Saturday, April 21, 2007

The People in the Break You Make

team news: I bailed this weekend on the Nebraska trip to the Lincoln Plating Spring Classic. I love that course but unfortunately I'm wrapping up a 10+ pager now and have a 6 pager due monday. cripes! However, Kyle got 2nd in the B's after breaking away in the first lap and staying away with one other guy for 3.5 laps. Jake pulled out with cramps which were so bad he had to be carried? Hope he's all right. Finn finished 7th in A's after Smelser (KSU), Cook (UMN), and Noonan (Carleton) got off the front somewhere at the begging of the last lap. Krueg said he just needs to get in better shape...he will.

Durand RR recap:
So in order to make this weekend less of a total bust, I busted my butt to borrow a car, and hump it out to Durand, WI for the RR held there. The course profile looked pretty jagged and indeed it was. Windy too. Lined up for the 3/4's race, 4 laps, 54 miles. Wind was mostly head/cross, with about .75 of tail for the S/F. Emma rode out with and courteously provided a bottle hand-up on lap three. she is a champion. From the get go a young IsCorp rider named Matt attacked, the pack was noodling, I bridged, and we were caught. On the back stretch, I attacked up the first of two big hills and Matt's mate Dave bridged up. We sat up and waited for Ted. Ted rides for peace coffee and we were in the winning break at the Humboldt Park Crit during Superweek. On the front stretch the three of us sat up and were joined by 5 chasers. Our 8 would dwindle to 5 after the next lap. Dave worked well but fell off hafway through the final lap. Ted and a tonka guy hung on till the 2nd to last climb. It came down to a battle between Rhett who rides for Birchwood. We 2-upped it, man to man. He cramped as he started his sprint and I gapped him by 4s. Good weekend. Jake would be proud as I spent 50 of 54 miles off the front. Hope has pics up soon.

After the Memorial Day Wkend races Sean won't be able to call me a sand-bagger any more. I'm catting up soon enough.

Also: LAPT had a pretty successful weekend with several podiums at the WCA crit in Brown Deer. Can't wait to get back to ride in WI.



Mark Mettler said...

Hey Brandon, its Mark the Tonka guy here. Was trying to find out who that train engine was that I was racing with yesterday and stumbled on your blog. Thanks for pulling me around the course for 3 laps. Pretty damn humbling!!

I kept thinking I'd be the next guy to get dropped. Thats what always happend in the past.

Sean Noonan said...

why don't you race snake with me? it'll be fun!!!!!
send in your registration yesterday if you haven't already.

good job making the race happen and not sitting in.

Brandon Krawczyk said...

Hey Mark you worked when you could and we all appreciated it, no prob. Hell we were all way for over 35 miles! See you at Opus?